05-01-23 From Home to Bakersfield, California
"We will be known forever by the tracks we leave" (Dakota Proverb)1.
Departure day. Set up plants, hooked up the jeep to the RV, put bikes on the Jeep bike rack, and off we went. We left around 10:30 AM, about a half-hour behind. Hit some light rain going over Altamont.
The five-hour drive to Bakersfield was easy. We hit a detour to the RV park but made it. Great spot, all three of us together. Now that we are all together, tequila shots to kick off the trip. My proposal for our journey that we all adopted is, "Whoever gets to the next site first hosts tequila shots!"
Barry, Ken, and Roma went to check out the Camping World right around the corner. Barry bought me a little gift, a tiny collapsible bowl. I love bowls, so it was perfect.
Roma gave us our "Destination Is All" t-shirts and sweatshirts. We created a logo, and Roma arranged to have them printed. They came out beautiful.
Jan fed us all lasagna for dinner, and it was tasty. Great catching up with everyone.
[1] Zona, Guy A, The Soul Would Have No Rainbow If The Eyes Had No Tears (New York: Touchstone, 1994), p.29.
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