Happy Grandparents Day - Miss Them
There are times I miss my grandparents terribly. They were so much fun. Neither of them had favorites and I always loved visiting them as a child and even as an adult. As a kid I remember my cousins, siblings and I were always with our Grandparents. We were very close to our Grandparents and have many, many, fond memories we talk about even today. I remember even as a child calling my grandparents to talk to them. My cousins and I knew their phone number by heart. My mom would say, “If you don’t want momma or daddy to know, don’t say anything around Jacqueline.” Mom claimed I would tell Grandma and Grandpa everything even when I became and adult. The earliest memories I have of my grandparents is when they lived at 1606 White Oaks in San Jose, California. They lived here when my cousins and I were all in grade school. The backyard was dirt and there was a huge oak tree on the left-hand side. Grandma and Grandpa let us dig in the dirt and we would always make these cities with road...