May 10 – 23, 2021
I've been thinking of writing a recap of what I accomplish weekly. My friend Lisa does this and I enjoy reading and seeing her photos from the previous week. This will mainly be for me to document what research I accomplish, meetings or webinars I attend, trips (hence Jacqueline's Jaunts) or any other thing I want to document about my life. I'll see where this leads me.
We've been on our houseboat since May 10th. One of the cool things about spending extended time on the boat in a cove is the wildlife. Hearing the geese get into their squabbles, watching the wild donkeys hang out on the shore in the front of our boat. We are very quiet when they come around and they stay for awhile. I think my favorite is watching the eagles catch thermals and rise higher and higher in the sky. It's like they are just floating. They're my favorite bird and I could watch them for hours. There are a few pairs on the lake and we are lucky enough to share this lake with them. Such majestic animals.
Webinars & Classes Attended
I watched 17 webinars in the past 10 days. I had to watch NGS (National Genealogical Society) webinars I paid for last year that expired on May 15th. BUT....I checked after the 15th and I still have access. Hopefully it stays this way. I have a few I'd like to watch again.
Volunteer Work & Meetings -I belong to the California Genealogical Society (CGS) and volunteer my time for the Events Committee.
I posted all the new June and July events for CGS on the Bay Area Genealogy Calendar and Conference Keeper Calendar. I still have to setup surveys for each. I use SurveyMonkey for this. I also sent out a June events flyer to the other genealogy societies we share our events with.
Lisa Call
- This week we discussed NGS 2020 Virtual Conference videos and if they are still available to watch. Seems they are. I watched 17 last week. Whew!!! I was trying to watch them all before the deadline of 05-15-21. I procrastinated watching these over the last year. There are a few we discussed that we both watched. Come to find out I can still watch them.
- I'm reading Writing Interesting Family Histories by Carol Baxter. Lisa recommended this book during her writing class that I attended last quarter. She teached genealogy classes at Acalanes Adult Education. She'll read the book before our call next Monday and we'll review it together. I need to remember to write down questions for our discussion.
- For some reason we got on the subject of our BP meds and spent a bit of time discussing them.
Amigos Call (Lisa, Linda, Stewart)
Stewart discussed the LGBTQ webinar he attended Tuesday evening. It was hosted by SCCHGS, Santa Clara County Historical & Genealogical Society. He speaks on the same subject matter.
Book(s) Reading or Completed
Writing Interesting Family Histories Carol Baxter COMPLETED
Company Commander Charles B. MacDonald
We spent May 10th - 20th on our houseboat. We drove the boat to a cove on Wednesday and stayed there until the following Tuesday. We enjoyed many visits from the local wild donkeys. We love to hear them bray and winnie at each other during the day and even at night. Barry did a lot of normal spring maintenance and I cleaned the inside, refrigerators, and windows (including the tracks). Dust everywhere!
We left the houseboat on Thursday and drove to The Cabin at Don Pedro, about a 20 minute drive. Danny, Jo Ann, Melissa, James, Utah, and Willow were there. Utah is 15 months old now and was born at the beginning of the pandemic. Due to covid we have not met the little guy in person. He is adorable and it took him some time to warm up to us. After all he has not seen anyone but immediate family since he was born. Willow was so happy to see us and could not wait to lick my face. Love that dog. James was cooking tacos so we had to stay for dinner. When we all get together we can chat for hours, what's going on with everyone, news, a little politics but not much, next big family get together, everyone's health and so much more. We decided to spend the night and stayed at the other house on the hill (The Lodge). We left on Friday morning.
My soul was extremely happy to see family again but it was like we just picked up where we left off when covid hit. Facetime and texting are a wonderful thing. My heart is very happy!
Until next time.
Great job. Love the photos of the donkeys.